There are times when my Grandpa is "low" on cash on hand. It's because 98% of his money is stashed in CD's and Mutuals. He can't take the money out until it matures without HUGE prepayment penalties and charges that dwindle the total amount down to nothing at times. He has to plan his vacations around the CD's maturing. When they do he either spends the lot or reinvests it. He's bought 2 new cars in cash, gone on vacation to Alaska, Canada, and Georgia the past three summers. Right now though he's living off of his S.S. check.
Do you know how your mother's money is stashed?? If she has it in investments then its likely that she doesn't literally have any cash on hand and pulling out a CD early sometimes feels like suicide with the fees they charge you.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.