Oi. Sorry bud, love can be tough some times when it catches you.
I have to agree with the many others on this thread that say to let it go. Later on in life four years difference wont mean a thing (hell, I married a woman 7 years my senior), but when she is 16 and you are 20 the difference is astounding.
She's in highschool. Her friends opinions matter more to her than any relationship that she might get involved in. If her circle does not approve, she. will. not. date. you. No matter how much she likes you - she wont accept being an outcast of her circle just for the chance of a good relationship with you. That might sound stupid to you, but I'm sure it makes perfect sense to a 16 year old.
On another note, and excuse me if I'm jumping to conclusions, but I've had other friends that were heavily involved in school sports (mostly wrestlers like yourself). They always seemed to have trouble moving on from highschool as well, since so much of their life revolved around it for four years. It didnt help that most of the girls they knew were from highschool as well, making it easy for them to stay stuck in the same rut long after they had graduated. In my opinion, you need to not only move on from this girl, but also move on from highschool. Start living life with people your age and you'll find the relationship you're looking for. If you dont, then go back to this girl in a few years and maybe she'll be ready for something real instead of an "older-boyfriend status-symbol".
Good luck.