I've lost a great deal of respect for Raffy, I can say that it truly was surprising and I never would've thought someone that I thought was a stand-up guy would do something like this.....but this is more proof you can't trust the public faces most athletes put on, good or bad.
I was just reading the article on ESPN and they mention Giambi and as a Yankee fan I don't care how many home runs the guy hits, if he wins the WS for us...I have no respect for him. The guy has shown (barring any sudden substances showing up) that he can hit without any help. It just irks me that a guy with that kind of talent threw his prime years down the toilet when all he needed was a confidence boost.
I just don't know anymore, I now realize that when I was young I turned a blind eye to the obvious use in the game at the time and it's tough to think that the athletes I grew up watching were simply fabricated.