Teethed [Synonyms: stealing]
[Pronunciation guide: Teey-fd]
Similar to taxed, in that an item has been taken, but in this usage implies a more malicious intent.
Teethed would be used where someone else has stolen something of value, and this is against current traditions and practices amongst the pride lands and local packs.
Teething does not need to occur merely in-pack, but rather can be used in a whole range of situations amongst the varying pride lands.
For instance, a piece of musical noise production equipment (a ‘boomski boxski’) has been stolen from a vehicular transport system (‘wheels’), the offender would have been said to have teethed the hardware. No-one of importance likes people who teeth, and they are known pride land wide as ‘gimps’.
Guard elephants should be given photo-identity training and big pointy sticks to use against roaming mongrel teenamals, in case they try to teeth your ‘munchies’.
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