Disco Biscuits [Synonyms: Pills, Little Ones, E]
[Pronunciation guide: Diss-ko Biz-kits]
Discos biscuits are a recent development, comprising roughly of 30% MDMA (the active ingredient), 50% inert shite and 20% Mr.Muscle Lemony Fresh Bathroom.
Usually purchased in tablet form, disco biscuits can be taken orally, rectally and smushed into a drink. The last two are only recommended for those willing to get truly ‘twated’ and don’t mind interesting looks when they start attempting to climb the walls without leaving the comfort of their chair.
Disco biscuits, like ‘wacky tobaccy’, are a highly potent psychotropic, known to cause severe hallucinations and a false sense of well being. After all, any pack willing to endure severe tissue damage and possible insanity of the foot has to have something fundamentally wrong with their social structure. Observers should check to see if a ‘gimp’ is present in the alpha or beta male positions.
Packs members who have taken disco biscuits will experience euphoria, love and increased sensitivity to music. They can often be observed hugging everyone they meet, much to the chagrin of other, less hugged, prides.
Both sexes can and do suffer an increase in libido, which is highly beneficial for the lower caste males, as normally inaccessible females will be fawning over them without prior provocation. Care must be taken at this point that either the male or female do not become distracted by duvets and other soft upholstery.
Music, especially trance, is highly enjoyed by ‘twisted’ people, who will happily dance the night away until they pass out, or have to led away due to poor co-ordination skills.
Disco biscuits cause more physical harm to the body than ‘booze’, ‘vodka’ and ‘wacky tobaccy’ combined, although if pack members combine all these no wonder they’re feeling shit. Severe dehydration and tissue loss occur, as the body burns through energy stores and sweats out water.
Pack members who inhabit pack animal and elephant bodies from other pride lands while ‘twisted’ tend to notice increased problems.
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