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Old 07-29-2005, 10:58 PM   #10 (permalink)
Location: Louisiana
Originally Posted by roadkill
Why then do we preceive things so differently? An inanimante object doesn't change yet sometimes we love it and other times we hate it. Rain for instance, if there is a drought then rain is a blessing... if it has rainded for the past two weeks straight then sunshine is a blessing. Why is there this difference? It doesn't change the fact that it's just droplets of water falling from the sky yet we change our view on it.
Perception can be wrestled in the realm of psychology. It's all about the associations. Operant conditioning, a thing is as you think it is and have been conditioned to respond to it.
I have had a rather tumultuous week but I've taken it more in stride than I could have ten years ago. I have had my share of various upheavals in routine to take a lot in stride.

As far as rain is concerned, I love the stuff until it becomes bloody inconventient for me.
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