I began writing my last post before the incredible piece by Mr. Deflok. The man that wrote that has obviously taken more time to organise and present his thoughts than I have, but I suppose thats why he's paid for it. That aside, I think its a great piece and was happy to hear some of the items I mentioned mirrored.
After reading I realized one important thing mentioned in that article is how sensitive a genre is to this. I want to touch on this more. Dont get me wrong, I'm not crusading for a story in tetris and if there was one I would likely start deriving pleasure from torturing small rodents out of shear sickness over the matter.
Now I'm sure many will disagree with the following. Dont hate me. Yet.
I dont consider all game genres or mediums to be equal in an evolutionary sense. Text adventures were great, but they can't stand up to what the new technology allows us to create in the way of game experiences. Some genres I feel survive due to their own novelty, and thats ok. As far as I know, that is why theater is still around. There is something charming about the stage presentation. And its charming enough to keep it around despite the fact that a movie can better relate a play. I would say the same about hand drawn animation as well. Please, I'm not trying to be derrogatory here towards any one genre or medium.
That said, I feel that games that maintain fluid action and involving story at the same time are the most highly evolved. This follows from my belief that games, offering a dynamic experience, are more highly evolved than say movies. Theories of evolution aside, sometimes you just want a good flick. I'm in no way trying to negate that reality.
I think some day games will grow far beyond their simple nature today and become interactive fictional experiences. At the same time, some games need not deliver any more than they do. The connection here is that in order for this to occur it must become common the way hot graphics and sound are to have story lines just as developed as our purdy shaders these days. 400 years from now, the best way to play an old puzzle game might still be on some kind of portable 2d display. And maybe the best way to play chess will always be on a real chess board. who knows. I think what I'm really trying to say here is that a holodeck would rock.
I think porn with a good story is better than without.