Originally Posted by optik_nerve
I find is somewhat funny but to find the flatulant smells interesting...? That's a little too much for me.
I know if someone held me down and ripped ass in my face I wouldn't reply, "Hmm...the smell is...*sniff*...interesting."
But nonetheless funny at just the right moments.
Thats what i mean when me and my mate are in a bar and hes going to fart we have a tendancy to move over to a group of people and let rip the smell that guy can produce is fooking hilarious, we where in a bar the other week and there was a girl sat down at arse height to my mates arse and he let a silent but deadly one go she ended up talking to him and tradeing farting stories lol so any lad out there wondering how to get on with the opposite sex take head to this story 
Yes and only if my own true love was waiting,
And i could hear her heart a softly pounding,
Yes and only if she was lying by me!
Then i would lie in my bed once again.