Originally Posted by doodlebird
i can't put enough emphasis on this.
do everything in your power to get the baby to breastfeed.
pediatricians and lactation consultants
actually DO know what they're talking about.
they've seen a hundred cases harder than yours.
don't give up after only a few rough days.
your wife is one who has the tough part.
she has to be the human bottle.
there are countless advantages for a breast fed baby.
the only advantages to a bottlefed baby
are the parents' comfort and or convenience.
and you gave those two up when you chose to be parents.
good luck. stick with it...
only 18 more years to go.
While your stance on breastfeeding is fine for you and yours, it is not the be all-end all. My daughter did not latch until she was 11 days old.
My twins were both nursed AND bottle-fed formula for 7 months(my son was spoonfed cereal starting at 5 weeks old as well because those two weren't enough). There's no such thing as 'nipple confusion'. Babies will eat and know that both that skin and rubber thing are giving them food.
Formula is perfectly healthy-hell, I was fed condensed milk mixed with karo syrup...I had no health problems outside of normal childhood illnesses.
Yes, it is about convenience, as long as the child is strong, healthy and happy.