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Old 07-27-2005, 10:36 AM   #4 (permalink)
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ShaniFaye's Avatar
Location: Lilburn, Ga
Im going to share my horrible experience with my daughters doctor.

I didnt breast feed, I never had any intention of it...(yes all the advocates can faint dead away now)

The first pediatrician Amanda had went off on me big time...telling me how I was deliberately depleting her iron, damaging her immune system, and I was going to be the cause of the major brain damage she was going to have because I was too selfish to breastfeed. Do you think that got my back up? Damn right it did....what did I do....I made the doctor do an iron count on her right then to see where it was at. Guess what? Her iron was off the charts....even on low iron formula. I fired that woman immeditately

See I have hemochromatosis...way too much iron in my system. Not that that had anything to do with my decision not to breastfeed, but I knew her "iron" wouldnt be affected by it because its passed down from mother to mother has it, her mother has it and my sister has it.

My child not only has an EXCELLENT immune system...3 serious colds in 12 years, NO...let me repeat NO ear infections. Other than regular checkups and shots she has been to the doctor 3 times for illness, she is also in no way brain damaged...she is homeschooled and when she took her state standardized testing at age 10 she placed in the top 2% in the nation and her grades were at at 10th grade level.

Dont let "medical professionals" bully you into doing something like this. Millions of children around the world have not been breastfed.
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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