What ever happened to courting?
Is it possible to win a girl that rejects you at first?
There is a real defeatist attitude among men these days. She said "no", so I give up. Worse still, if they do decide to continue pursuing the girl they end up doing it in a kind of tame - give her space - just be friends - sort of way.
Yet almost every romantic story you read or see on TV features the guy actually winning over the girl, despite earlier rejections.
Is this a case of fantasy vs. reality or have modern men become wimps with soft egos?
I have to admit that I am afraid of having my ego bruised. I only go for women who are responcive from the start and rarelly if ever both with one's who give me the cold shoulder right away. With the acception of my first girlfriend, who way my biggest enemy before we started dating. Ofcourse I was differnt back then. I feel that this culture of ours changed me for the worse somehow.