Originally Posted by vox_rox
However, here's a bit of news that I found amazing, especially since it was also on /. !!
It looks like the Telus gateway was blocking all requests coming through their servers and trying to access a site called Voices For Change, a pro-union Website.
Now, that REALLY sucks. So much for freedom of speech. The Edmonton sun wrote a story about it HERE that shows how shallow the Telus PR talent pool really is.
Any coments on this, especially from Telus employees? Telus subscribers? I don't mean to troll, but this is kind of bizarre behaviour.
Really, just my $0.02 worth.
The website that Telus blocked happened because it contained photos of members who crossed, their names, address, and phone numbers, which is a major invasion of their privacy. That is why it was blocked. And so far the only pro-union article was from the Edmonton Sun. The union calls this a lock out, Telus calls it a strike. What is it? Neither, just a "labour dispute." And heck, someone please pick me, because I'm a scab.