I know your frustration about working with people who are not qualified and management issues. I can also tell you from experience that there are problems in any job you take. I can't speak from a chef's point of view (I have only been a waitress), but I am a teacher and the politics in that job is horrendous. I have taught in 4 districts and each time it seems the problems are worse. I have finally decided to stay put, even though the administrators are not the best and the work environment is not the safest. I am now teaching in an inner-city school. Anyway, this isn't about me...
It looks to me as if you are very close to finishing your apprenticeship. My advice (take it or leave it) would be to stick it out and after you get your hours and signatures start looking elsewhere. Sometimes leaving can put you in a worse situation even though, at the time, it doesn't seem it could get any worse.
Whatever did happen to your soul?
I heard you sold it
Choose Heaven for the weather and Hell for the company