M$ Licensing Bonanza
Longhorn, Vista, working title, real name, none of it matters. But don't think there are not huge changes coming down the pipe in this release.
This OS release will mark the first level of "trusted computing" that is completely intergrated into the OS. DRM and upgrades controlled from the vendor will be the biggest and most obvious changes, and the ability to do whatever you want with your computer will be practically gone.
The next step will be leasing the M$ software and it will come bundled the the ability for the vendor (of ANY software, not just M$), to disable software remotely if your copy of the software is illegal (fair enough) or if you haven't chosen an arbitrary update path (goddam extortion), or if THEY have found content on your computer that THEY deem to be copyright violations (invasion of privacy).
This new OS is not going to be bigger, better, or easier to use. It's going to position your computer as a licensed, third-party entertainment/computing device in your home, and you'll have little or no control over content, even the content THAT YOU CREATE.
It's bad, it's dangerous, and it will affect you. I would say switch to an open source alterntative, but that would be contrary to the ideas in this thread. What I will say is that proprietary software is becoming more and more a control concept rather than vendors giving you tools to do what you want/need to do, and I for one do not like the direction that it's going.
There is no such thing as strong coffee - only weak people.