This is so true, my x-g/f has a great body and is very good looking, but she'll never be satisfied. Luckily for her she's pretty smart/couldn't hold a diet to save her life so she'll probably never develop an eating disorder, but I do believe that she sees her self a little bit differently than the rest of us.
Quick list of things that don't help matters
Guys usually get to choose women, women get chosen...
Just plain true women don't ask men to marry them this day in age one could walk up to a guy in a bar, but usually would use flirting tactics to try and get him to come to her.
Women's clothing... it just doesn't hide much. Men’s clothing is just more comfortable to wear and more comfortable to be seen in as it does hide imperfections.
Case and point women’s jeans vs. men’s

enough said
All that said I like it they way things are

I’ve noticed a lot of the girls I’ve knew in high school who've been more carefree and tom boyish are now trying to become better looking.
Go-go double standards makes girls moar sexay!