Ok. I have liked a girl for almost 2 years now. I met her when I was a senior in High School. I know hwo she really is outside of school & stuff, but when she is around her friends, she is totally a different person. Her friends have caused ALOT of problems for me & her. We have never officially dated, because of this stuff. One of her "Best friends", IMO, I think the girl that she is friends with is a two timing piece of sh*t! But, anyways, her friends are always telling her who to see, etc. & she goes along & agrees with them, even when past people that she has dated because her friends have set her up, have told her that she should think for herself & not always listens to her friends, but her friends will always butt in & take control.
Now, this girl & I started a friendship on our own. She fell in love with me & I fell in love with her. But, her friends then got involved & crewed everything up. But, I know deep down & HAVE SEEN IT...that the girl still likes me & yes, I still like her. But, her parents are kinda strict & wacky..& are cautious about who she sees...& yes, I know them both & because of the girl's friends getting involved...lets just say that the parents HATE me. But, their daughter still likes me.
Now, the girl had recently broken up with a 22 year old, whom IMO, is a jerkoff. Now, their relationship was all started by being setup by...yep, you guessed it..the girl's "best friends". But, the guy ended up raping her, near the end of their relationship, then soon, the girl's "friends" got involved & started harassing me & threatening me over the internet & telling me all this crap that I didnt care about..I only cared about one person throughout the whole ordeal & that was this one girl. But, the girl's "friends" pushed to the point where this girl & the 22 year old, broke up & went their seperate ways.
Now, I need to know what I should do, because obviously this girl has not clue how I really feel & what I am really thinking...& going over to her house & trying to talk to her might work, then again, her parents might shoot me or something...but well...PLZ HELP ME! I know everyone has been in this SAME scenario. Give a pro wrestler, a chance to love someone he has loved for, going on 2 years.