Hi everyone, long time no see. Let's get down to the nitty and the gritty.
So I'm seeing this wonderful girl now, she's the best person in the universe (besides myself, of course

We've been sexually active for awhile, and it's always been rather great. However, all is not well down there. Apparently I'm good at what I do, and what not, but she rarely ever comes.
We're both very open about this and I am completely understanding of her, but it's still a little disappointing. I am doing my best to help her along her way, to relax and take her mind off things; I make sure she's ready before I start, and once I do I try to take it as gradual and slow as possible, let her lead the way basically. She's come once or twice...but it's been under the influence of a certain mind altering substance and we'd really like to not rely on that to "relax".
Any tips for her? for myself?