Hate to dis like 90% of the people who go to Hawaii for their honeymoon, but don't go there. It is okay and all, but really it is mostly a tourist trap for Honeymooners.
Chasey and I eloped to Fiji and stayed there for our Honeymoon. We stayed a couple places, but this was one of our favorites.
You can fly to Fiji on AirPacific which is a quality airline that flys out of LA. The prices are actually quite good. The other BIG bonus is the exchange rate. It is not quite what it was when we were there, but it is still awesome. Imagine all the prices being about what you would find here - maybe a little less - but then your money exchanges 2.5 to 1!!!! Woot! I bought a lot of rounds at the bars for the Aussies I met there (Fiji is a prime hangout for Australians). Their exchange rate was crap.
As far as the islands are concerned, the most beautiful blue waters, the NICEST people we have ever met (still) and just a very relaxing environment. It is super killer. If you are serious about somewhere like Malolo or Fiji in general, PM me and we can talk and I can tell you all the details / send you some pictures . . . in fact - I think I have some online:
The second two were on Malolo itself. The first one is on Vitu Levu at the Fijian resort.