This is a suggestion for what most people call cat fleas, which are quite tiny, very black, and difficult to kill with just smashing them. I had the same problem at another residence and this is what I did.
There is a powder, that you shake right into the carpet much like Carpet Fresh or whatnot, that you can buy from a farm type supply place. I can't remember the name of it at this moment, but I'll ask my mother what it's called as she has what's left of it.
When you do anything, ensure that you do these things. Make sure you treat the cat, carpet, furniture, bedding of the cat, your bedding if she/he gets on it. You have to do this all in one go. This might be a expensive process, I'm not sure. I did this with a 2 br, 2 bath, lr, dr, kitchen. A very large trailer. This is the only way I've gotten rid of them.
Bombing is only going to kill the currently hatched and grown fleas. It's not going to bother the eggs. I can state this for a fact from expirence myself. We sat off 3 of the bombs that was supposed to kill fleas, larvae, and eggs. We left the place for a week came back and was bombarded in bites from baby fleas that had hatched while we were gone.
Vaccum all carpets, chairs, and everything necessary. Throw that vaccum bag in a plastic bag, seal shut and TOSS IT. Failure to do this part could end up with them coming back out of the vaccum. Bomb the place if you want to do that. Use this powder that is designed to work on all states of life of a flea. Leave it in the carpets for as long as possible. If I remember correct, the powder I used was recommended to be left there for 3 to 4 weeks. Also, take a broom to the carpet afterwards to push the powder deeper.
Also, shake the powder and if you bought the spray, all inside of your chairs. In the sides of the chair, under cushions, any crevice you can find to put it in. They will be hiding in there as well.
To ensure that you have gotten rid of fleas or see what room they're heavy in, you can make a flea light. Don't buy the funky ones out there. You can easily make your own. Take a shallow dish/bowland put as much water as you can on the floor of the affected area. Put a couple of drops of any type of dishwahing liquid. Afterwards, if you have a short desk lamp that will bend and move, hang it OVER the dish/bowl. If you don't have one, get a dining chair or something, and tie the lamp securely upside down over that. It needs to be at least 4 to 6 inches above the dish/bowl.
You're gonna ask why the hell would you make a flea light? Why not just buy one? Fleas are attracted to light. The lights on the store bought ones do not burn brightly. You need at least a 40watt or better light bulb over this. I used a 75watt one using a desk lamp. They will jump towards the light and fall into the water. The water will drown them, but to insure that they don't jump out somehow, the dishwashing liquid will anchor them in there.
I read up alot of this on the internet but modified it several times before I succeeded in removing the fleas. Your best bet is to make sure you can do this all in one go. Those things hatch quickly and will be waiting for fresh blood. They can live at least a couple of weeks, maybe up to a month, without new blood.
Sorry for the long post, but fleas are hard to get rid of. It's a long vicious cycle if not done properly from the start.