Issue with grades: what would you do?
The background... I have a daughter who just finished her freshman year in high school. She's an advanced student. She hates math, and just got a 'C' in Advanced Algebra ('A's in everything else). Where math is involved, she does just enough to get by. She and my wife have been away on vacation for the last 3 weeks, so I had to call them and tell the news about the grades. My wife's initial reaction was to make my daughter take the class again. My thought was that she didn't flunk, and that maybe this would be a wake-up call. I was thinking that she should be allowed to advance, if the teacher thought she could handle it.
What do you guys think? I usually rely on my wife for decisions like this, due to her being a teacher and administrator. However, re-taking a class can be a very traumatic experience in high school. It's possible that my daughter was just in over her head. Any thoughts?