thanks again for all the suggestions, petite, that sounds like a good book, i might have to pick that one up, we did do a few of those before the baby came home. I might try that valerian root, its worth a shot. This morning the cat is on our bed sleeping and when my little hellion woke up, i got her into bed with us this morning, when there both still dozy the cat will just lay there, feet up in the air, comfortable as can be with the kid rubbing her tummy. that lasted for about 2 minutes, then its like the cat clues in that its not me touching her and bolts out of the room.
the cat is a member of the family, we've taught the cat many tricks and such over the years and my wife would never let me get rid of her, not sure i could do it even if she wanted. but i may consider either letting the cat go outside and see if that changes her personality or adding another cat to the household. thanks again for all the suggestions and ideas!