1: I started learning a 3-1/2 years old, on an old Savage-Stevens .22 rifle my Mom found at a yard-sale. It is NEVER too early! The earlier they start, the quicker good gunhandling will become instinctive. Take 'em early, take 'em often. .22 ammo is cheap and plentiful, and it's a great way to spend time with your kids.
2: Have a routine. Have a set "drill" for every shooting outing, so that your kids get used to doing things the right way more quickly.
3: Any deviation from safe gunhandling, and the day is OVER. No questions, no excuses. This usually only has to happen once before the kid gets the hint that this is really serious shit. If it takes more than one such termination ( combined with a look that'll strip the paint off walls from you ) then your child is not ready to be around guns.
4: As for the "lock 'em all up!" suggestion above; this won't be needed if your kids are properly gunproofed. Locking up ones' guns is a good idea ( to protect from theft ) but expecting that a trigger-lock will keep a 5-year-old from playing with a gun is just plain silly. If your kid isn't adequately gunproofed, they -will- find a way to fiddle with your weapons, even if it takes years. The lure of "forbidden fruit" is extremely strong, and this kind of over-reaction sends a VERY strong "forbidden fruit" message. Trigger-locks can also cause some guns ( 1st-Gen Glocks, the S&W Sigma series ) to FIRE when dropped, if improperly stored. They also increase your "lead time" in a self-defense situation to several seconds at -best-, seconds which you might not have.
5: I personally would suggest that you start 'em on a .22, as I was. Too many kids have the idea that BB-guns are simply a slightly-more-adult "toy" and treat them as such. You do NOT want them getting these ideas!! A .22 has some noise to it, which if nothing else will get it into their heads that the potential for serious injury or death exists. That sudden, sharp CRACK!!! tends to get their attention.
5b: I'd also suggest shooting a watermelon or honeydew on your first time out. Trust me, this will make a BIG impression. If you hunt, take them small-game hunting with you, this works even better.