Getting the pill (plus misc sex question)
Ok.. my gf wants to get on the pill, but is afraid of going to that doctor and dealing with the examination and such. What she wants to do (and is going to do for now it seems) is get a month or two supply of pills from a friend who isn't going to take them anymore. I'm not sure if she really realizes the possible problems associated with this.. I really want her to just go to the doc but at the same time I don't want to push her into something shes not ready for, thinking about just suggesting we keep using condoms till shes ready for the doc.. I've been looking up stuff on the pill - side effects and everything from tfp, planned parenthood, and the national women's health center, and am wondering.. what exactly happens during the doc visit? (lets just assume this will be at planned parenthood since each doc office is prob a little diffent and she won't be in college till fall). Just want to see if I can ease her worries a little bit.
And one more question just to prevent making another thread : What positions would you consider the most pleasureable? (condoms suck.. been doing it with her on top recently and that just doesn't work that well with a condom on..)