Originally Posted by Gilda
All the article really established is that men who identify as bi don't tend to respond to lesbian porn. If I'm reading it right, many of the hetero identified men didn't respond to the lesbian porn. To deduce from this that they aren't attracted to women is faulty reasoning.
Nowhere does it say "Lesbian Porn" it says erotica containing "only women". The images are probably of women masturbating. We won't know the exact details of the study until next month when it is published. And only then if someone here coughs up the money for the article. (Or visits their local college library).
The truth is that many of these models may have been unattractive to the study participants. I suppose that is one way of manipulating the outcome. However, it is interesting to note that at least 2/3 of the respective self proclaming "sexual type" (ie homo, hetero or bi) had a positive reaction to the porn.