Originally Posted by Artsemis
It is a hub.
And none of that is relevant since I said the problems arose a week ago. The business has been using this setup for years. Its not a virus on the PC either since one of the slow machines was just replaced with a fresh machine and still had the same problem.
You're asking for help, so don't start to think that none of this is relevant that we're telling you. We're trying to help, so take what we say with some significance ok? Otherwise, I'll tell you just to deal with the issue.
First off, replace the hub with a switch. I don't care if it's worked in the past; we're not in the past anymore and you need to look at some quality of service anyway. That being said, the switch should help.
Yes, what we said can be relevant, because if one of your network cards is going bad and sending a hojillion packets to the network, your whole network is going to slow down. A switch will help to prevent something like that.
If this just started recently, its going to most likely be one of the following:[indent]1) virus/adware on machine(s), new or not. Windows is not hard to infect, don't fool yourself[indent]2) bad network card(s). Ethereal is a free packet sniffer that can aid you in telling if this is the case.[indent]3) the hub is failing. Whether or not the hub is working, go spend the few dollars and get an 8 port switch. (You can get these from Newegg for about $30)
Don't assume its not a virus. Viruses are getting sneakier by the day, and if you aren't sure whats going on with your network, then chances are you aren't completely sure it's not a virus.
/begin rant
I get sick of people on here asking for help and several people take the time to help them solve the problem they are having only to have the initial poster say "no, that's not it, you're wrong". Point in case, if you knew what you were doing, you wouldn't be asking.
This isn't a suggestion thread asking for opinions on building a machine or something, this is a thread about something being broken and you need help with it.
/end rant