Originally Posted by ratbastid
They often have a hard time admitting it, but every single woman I know well enough to discuss these things with has a rape fantasy going on at some level. lurkette certainly does. It's not politically correct, but it's true.
I'll step up and admit to this. My SO has been very gentle and considerate for years, it's only recently he's been more assertive and I'm liking it!
Another aspect that comes with this is seeing how much he wants you and then he takes you like there is no tomorrow
That alone has done wonders for my self-esteem and drive.
Lightening up has also helped broaden our scope in the bedroom... tickle fights, bad jokes, anything that minimises the taboo mindset. We play around and laugh sometimes so hard our sides hurt! Interestingly enough, laughing and coughing can do amazing things for sensations
. I've found this to be really helpful to our mindset. It has helped us to stop focusing too much on performance and just start enjoying each other in a relaxed way. Go crazy... life is too short to be totally serious about anything!