You really sound like you two are on the right track. The suggestions about a safe word are right on target here. I think setting that up can give you both peace of mind and let you move on past "checking up" on how things are going. Becoming more adventurous takes work but once you get the ball rolling it is so much fun that it doesn't seem like work. Be sure you keep up this good open communication you've got going. It's the most important part.
One thing that hubby and I have done a lot of is verbalize a fantasy while we are having sex. Just creating our own little mental porn video. It doesn't matter to us if we include other "characters" or people we even know. It might not work for you guys but we found it a lot of fun. Give details about what you're going to do, sit down and snuggle and then tell your wife what you want to do to her. You will learn quickly what kind of things she likes when you discover her getting turned on by you telling her that you are going to do certain things with her.
Also you can sit down with her and make sure she doesn't mind talking dirty. Make sure there are no words that are off limits. For example: some girls just don't like being called a slut. But your wife might enjoy being called a naughty girl. Just get a lot of talk in and things out of the way. I think then you won't be so afraid to step out of your comfort zone and discover so much more. Good Luck.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.