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Old 07-03-2005, 07:33 PM   #7 (permalink)
Darth Papa
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Location: Yonder
Originally Posted by ErcDaMerc
I agree with ratbastid - we've never used a safeword but my gf gets really turned on if i hold her down. she also likes to fight back a little and once seh even yelled stop - when i did she said no, i didnt mean stop...
Textbook case of a couple that needs a safeword. Look, it's important that she have someting to say that actually means "stop". But it's pretty damn hot to free up "stop" and "no" to mean something other than what they usually mean. It's also hot for her to surrender all control to you while actually keeping the control of the safeword in her back pocket.

They often have a hard time admitting it, but every single woman I know well enough to discuss these things with has a rape fantasy going on at some level. lurkette certainly does. It's not politically correct, but it's true.

Having her try to wrestle away from me while I hold her down and fuck her is great fun. I mean, I've got more than 100 lbs on her and my reach is half again hers; she's not going to get away if I don't want her to. But it's sexy to feel like she's trying to. And a workout! We're both often muscle-sore afterward and the next day.
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