Okay, reasons I personally feel that you're wrong, mr. smithee:
1) As Mr Mephisto said, just because the gov't allows something, doesn't mean you have to take part in it yourself.
2) As for benefits... I'd say that employers will get over it. Many are offering benefits to 'life partners' already - hetero- or homo- in nature. Most employers would love to not have to pay for benefits for anyone, but since they do, they should do so for everyone regardless of who they're married/partnered to. Remember that gay people are still a minority - it's not like your benefits rolls would suddenly be overflowing with extra partners.
3) Having the gov't limit who I can marry is ridiculous. It's my personal business. I wouldn't want them telling me I can't marry a black man (I'm white) or a European or whatever, would I? Of course not. Same difference.
4) Who cares if they don't procreate? They can adopt. And LOTS of hetero couples don't have kids, or adopt, or are unable to physically have kids. They're okay to get married... same difference.
5) I hope that all of Europe adopts these new laws, so the US can feel increasingly ridiculous about not doing so, until we finally see the error of our ways. It's appalling that we have anything in common with such countries' habits as the Middle East, joke or not.
6) Officially lightening up now.
My heart knows me better than I know myself, so I'm gonna let it do all the talkin'.