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Old 06-30-2005, 08:41 PM   #18 (permalink)
Originally Posted by JustJess
alansmithee - I don't dismiss other people's feelings on same-sex marriage. If you don't agree with it, that's lovely, that's your business. I just don't see the point in forcing your views on everyone else. I don't expect you to live under my value system, and I don't want to live under yours, either.
Of course your beliefs are every bit as valid!
But allowing gay marriage forces people opposed to homosexuals to have beliefs forced upon them. Someone's views are being forced either way.

In an extreme example (and I am NOT calling right-wingers nazis, by the way), Hitler had beliefs that I completely disagree with. I don't care that he held those beliefs, but rather that he imposed them on millions of other people. I just think societal destruction will occur if we try to have everyone live one way and one way only.
But most reasonable people would feel that Hitler's beliefs weren't valid (at least in regards to race relations).

Originally Posted by Charlatan
I disagree. I have yet to hear a convincingly valid argument for banning same-sex marriage. So far, all I have heard is:

1) that's not *my* definition so it shouldn't be changed
2) same sex unions don't include procreation so they are invalid
3) God says it's wrong.

Not a single one of these arguments is valid from a legal stand point in a country that has a Charter of Rights and Freedoms (or your local equivalent) or is secular in nature. These are opinions that are valid for an individual but not for a nation to adopt.

In the end, I don't want to have this discussion here. Please take it to one of the many threads where this can be argued ad nauseum.
A derrivation of number 2 was argued sucessfully in Florida (and coincided mostly with my personal view). So that invalidates your legal claim, and the fact that a nation can't adopt them. As to not wanting to have this discussion here, you started the discussion. If you did not want discussion, why post the topic on a discussion board?

The point of my initial post was to state my view that this legalization in Spain was not necessarily the good thing that it was pointed out to be, and that many people feel this way, and that these people's views are just as valid, if not more so.

As to what countries are next, I think I remember reading that Great Britain would be voting on the topic. I have a feeling it will pass there as well. I would assume most of Europe will follow suit.
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