I remember overcoming the repression issue by facing it head-on. I realized that even though I swore I didn't believe that sex before marriage was bad, I still heard the voices of all the people in my family who ever told me that. So I decided that if I believed it, I'd better live it. If I found myself aroused, I would scold myself for thinking unpure thoughts. Whenever I masturbated or had sex, I woulddo the same... "I'm a slut," "I'm going to hell for this," "I'm a worthless human being," "This is dirty and wrong" and all kinds of other nonsense. I mentally dove right into the crap that my family had fed me all those years. Not too long after I started this, it felt utterly stupid and I wanted to laugh at myself - the self that was saying all the cruel things. It took going through the motions and experiencing the pain of saying it to myself for me to understand how ridiculous the notion really was.
It's sort of like being told fire is hot, but not really believing it until you get burned. I don't know that it will work for you, but it's worth a try. Good luck.