Originally Posted by djflish
A lot of people are disappointed that Christopher Eccleston hasn't signed on for the next series. But the next Doctor has already been chosen and here's the regeneration if your interested!
If your following the series watching this may spoil it for you.
I think he's a good choice (having seen other things he's done) and will make the role his own
Thanks for the link. I couldn't get it to work properly, but it inspired me to google it and I found a web page with all the 'regenerations' (is that what they call them?) from the entire history of the show.
Edit: Oops...forgot the link... Page 1
Can't say that I watched any of it as a kid other than the occasional episode on PBS, but that didn't detract from the 'cool' factor.
I'm about 8 shows into the season and I'm loving it. It's just the right combination of the serious and the ridiculous. I'm particularly impressed by the shows choice to not CGI everything (whether they did that on purpose or because of budget concerns, I don't know...or care). The show has retained a bit of the 'cheese' factor that makes old sci-fi shows just so fun to watch.