while I drove.....
Yup did it in my car last night on the way back home, around 11 pm...few cars on the road...we took this road we sometimes take, relatively lonely....
halfway home, i tell my girl, wouldnt it be cool if you sat on me and we did it righ here, right now...she was like yeah..... *i didnt really believe it then*
i said, you want to? she said yeah.... *didnt believe that then*
so I said, you'll have to take your pants off *I thought she'd laugh it off and we'd just continue driving home.....WRONG...she took em off and said, you'll have to take yours off so I dropped my pants and boxers and she sat on me, facing me......
we did it for a few Kms till we reached a residential area..
Man that was fun .....
Kinda wacky though I have to admit.