Originally Posted by doodlebird
i have already spoken with an attorney. i am ready to go in to his office and draft up the specifics of our future relationship. she isn't willing to go at the moment. she will however draft up such a document with just me - at home. can i get this "legalized" with out the presence of a lawyer or notary?
In the state in which you live, it may be possible for one lawyer to represent both parties; it is a growing trend called "collaberative law," I think. Generally, though, it's best to have the attorney working for you; he or she can tell you if something is or isn't a good deal for you, or if you can do better if you go to court.
As for her unwillingness to go, I've seen that stall tactic repeatedly over the years; too often, the party wanting to move feels stymied by the reluctance of the other to participate like an adult. Don't let that stop you; you do NOT have to have her agreement in order to get a decree entered--it may take a little longer and cost a little more, but in the long run, you're trying to protect your child, no?