I feel for you hon. I gained 60 lbs during pregnancy. I was even too big for hubby's BIG pants the week before I had my daughter. In fact the last 3 weeks I had these three tent dresses that I basically rotated between. I rarely went out except to walk the railroad tracks alone or with hubby. If anyone says anything about your extra weight maybe you can come up with some snappy remarks to put them off. For the extra rude ones you can just simply say - you are being rude, you are not pregnant, don't judge me.
As for your Dr (I'm speaking to myself here.) you should find a different one. I luckily ended up with a great Dr the last few weeks of pregnancy and during labor. My regular Dr ended up being on vacation those last couple weeks (I was two week late or he'd have been there when I was due) and I ended up with the Dr who was covering for him. My regular one wasn't bad but this girl was excellent. She really listened to me and did all she could to address my concerns whether they were percieved or concrete. You will feel much better if you can just get a Dr who listens and helps you. Have you looked into midwives?? My hospital where I gave birth to my daughter was connected to Mayo and they had a whole staff of midwives there. I ended up not going with them but I heard a LOT of good reports from people who had dealt with them. Ask around. In our area there are organizations like "parent connection" and "community services" where you can call and get recommendations or get connected to other Mom's who are expecting.
Check out your local groups and meetings. Look for a local activity flyer or in your local paper for listings. If you have any thoughts about nursing the baby you could go to a La Lecha League meeting. Here they're free to go and the Mom's and Mom's to be are so supportive of other Mom's. Get your feelers out there for people who WILL support you. If your hubby asks why you're going to these meetings you can just say you want to be as prepared as you can for the baby. This means preparing yourself emotionally as well as physically and mentally.
Hugs hon. You can get through this.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.