I can
stand glaring tan lines. They irk me for some reason. ESPECIALLY, when someone has a bathing suit on and it isn't the suit they got tan in, so the lines criss cross, ugh, I think that looks pretty ugly. I am a really big fan of the tiny little sun "tattoos" that you can get, when you stick a little design in when you tan, and then after words it will be a little paler (even a word??) then the rest. I like that a lot. Slight tan lines are ok. But i prefer:
[qoute]Other than a tiny little butterfly on my right breast and a tiny little heart on the left side of my lower abdomen, I am tan everywhere.
I prefer to tan nude. The white butterfly and heart add a nice contrast and draw the eye to those "forbidden zones" much like a suit line would.
I can't say it any better than that.
But in the end. It doesn't really matter. I can have my preferences though.