Originally Posted by urbandev
Right now i have 3 broken down suburbans...yes, i have some sort of fucked up obsession...
I get a ride to work with a coworker who lives up the street...
I dont like my job, it has nothing to do with anything i am skilled in...and I'm being drastically demoted to a fucking stock boy...and ill have to work 6 days a week to make the ammount i made before
Therefore if i have a truck that runs consistantly, and looks good(self esteem issue...) i will be able to get a job a little further away and out of bills way to work :x
That works for me.
How many miles are on it? Any problems
and can you get a bank loan for a car that old? Some banks won't do it due to the fact they are over 10 years and may be in shitty condition...so if you don't pay and the bank decides they need to repo your car for the money...they go and take it and SHABANG! They can't get their money back because the car's not worth what they loaned you...:-\