If you want more dates, ask more girls out on them. Really, the worst she'll do is say no.
And that's sort of what I'm getting at. Women do not hold the power to tear your still-beating heart from your chest and crush it. They do not transform into ravanous beasts and devour you if you ask them out and they don't want to go. They say no, you say okay then, let's do something else. Life moves on.
I know where you're coming from, because I've been there. Without publishing the gory details, we'll just say I wasn't always the attractive and virile young man I now am. But at some point I just got sick of all the self-doubt and second guessing and said fuck it. I've been much happier since then and more desired, apparently (although I suspect that might be perception, as if a girl was attracted to me prior to that I was too wrapped up to notice). I never know for sure if a girl likes me. I didn't know for sure that the one I'm seeing now liked me, but I took the plunge and asked and now I'm much happier for it.
Unless you're a mind reader, you'll have no way of knowing (unless she's being really obvious, in which case she either thinks you're too thick to notice otherwise or is just looking for a fuck). At some point you're going to have to take a risk or take a vow of celibacy. Me, I figured the rewards are worth the risk of occasional rejection.