Hugs hon. Emotions can get pretty crazy during pregnancy. Toward the end of it I got heavy duty nesting feelings and was doing stupid stuff, standing on chairs while I couldn't see my feet... Up until then I kept wondering what was wrong with me that I didn't feel bonded to the baby, didn't feel excited about getting ready for them, didn't want to 'nest', didn't like my job... Part of it was the unexpectedness of the pregnancy and how unprepared I was. One thing that helped a lot was TALKING a lot to people who were pregnant or who wanted to listen to my prenancy woes. Another thing that helped me was reading and doing puzzles. Puzzles are theraputic for me. Reading - I drowned myself in information about pregnancy, childbirth, and newborns. It helped me feel prepared and not so scared. I even read about emergency c-sections and things because my family is known for having to-big babies and I half expected one. That helped me because I did end up having one.
Last and not least, as other's have said as well, talk to you physician. If you don't feel like you can then you really need to find another so that they can help you feel better.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.