I am 30 weeks pregnant today. This is my third pregnancy. I don't know exactly how you are feeling, but I do know what an emotional roller coaster ride this time can be. I am going to admit that with my first child, I didn't know I was preggers until I was about 1 1/2 mos. along. I have smoked a couple bowls and drank for christmas and new years, something which was actually not a regular thing for me. I freaked my entire pregnancy about what I might have done in tht small time. Then I talked to my Mom and Aunt. My Aunt told me she couldn't sleep without hitting her hubby's joint before bed after 8 mos. pregnant. And all her kids (3) are doing just fine. They also say that beer and wine in moderation is totally exceptable, and from the sounds of it, you were within limits that are not going to be to much of a big deal. My hubbys' mom didn't even know she was pregnant until she was 36 weeks, at which point she freaked because she was a party girl, not just on the weekends, but everynight after work, and doing who knows what else besides drinking and being a huge 'flirt'. My hubby came out just fine
Quite a smart guy too! So just relax, cry if it helps, cry even if you don't think its helping...shoot...I sometimes go from crying my eyes out to dancing around my living room, just to end up crying again!
As for the rest of your situation, I know someone who was in your shoes very recently. Got preggers, didn't tell her mom, was planning an abortion, her SO went and told her mom everything. Her mom went NUTS! Told her she was having this baby or losing all ties to the family. Needless to say, Brandon is now 2 years old and thriving. My GF didn't think it could happen either, was the last thing she wanted, but I know she wouldn't trade it for the world. You should talk to your SO and tell him, this is your time! Right here and now, you are what counts and make him listen. Also your OB can help too, even if it just means helping you get some info about these kinds of depression. It can get worse after the baby is born, I won't lie. Some mothers get worse some it disappears, so you need to be prepared to deal with that. Meaning get help now before it gets worse and you end up feeling worse.
I hope this has helped somewhat, take from it what you will
Hugs to you and yours and I hope everything works out the way I'm sure it will. And if you want to vent some more, we are here to listen, no matter how many times you might re-write it, if it gets it off your chest, then so be it!!