NFL/TFP Fantasy Football league
Just wondering since !Yahoo has opened up the Football sign ups if anyone had any plans on running the league again this year, I think it may have been Donuts who did it last year??
Also maybe we can use this as an ongoing discussion for the categories and number of teams, I think a 10 man league is good enough
Also when picking number of roster spots think about this I like to point out to help everyone decide.
Let's say we have a 10 man league, MOST leagues will start 2 RB's then if we add in a Flex postion while it can be a WR/RB you start to
REALLY stretch the talent pool thin.
10 teams with 2 starters = 20 RB drafted, then let's say you grab 2 more RB to cover for bye weeks thats another 20 RB drafted, this puts us at close to 40 RB drafted alone, and this does not even count into the Flex positions.
Granted you might use a RB at a flex position until you need them for a start for a bye week to one of your starters etc, and just fill the flex in with a WR that week.
I like competition, but all too times I see someone unintentionally make a huge league for competitions sake but it just relly hurts the talent pool for everyone.
Last year was a great league and hope we can get it back up again.
Spank you very much