Are both of the other girls in high school? Maybe the first is just confused about having feeling for another guy who is older than her and out of HS? And do they know each other? Cuz that could be really awkward if you were kinda half foot in half foot out of the door with each.. you know? And when you do cut one off are you going to have to see the other a lot?
I think you need to talk to both girls and figure things out. Sounds like the deal with number one arn't resolved and you're confused with how far to go with number two and people online arn't going to be able to help you with that. U are just going to have to sit down in person with each one and hammer it all out.
Good luck, and hey it can't be that bad because you got TWO women who are interested in you!
Last edited by cavu; 06-11-2005 at 10:20 PM..