Advice for moving out... w/ girlfriend or not?
I'm 19 and living at home, got a pretty good job doing design work for a company in jupiter (florida). the office is about 40min away. I pay a lot of money to drive my car for what I make, so I'm currently paying that off along with a few other bills. So by many people's standards, I've been living it up, but I feel its time to start saving and move towards getting my own place.
Now I've been with my girlfiend for 2 1/2yrs now and everything is going pretty well, although we're both busy with work and school. So its obviously one of my options to move in with her. The thing is that I don't know if I like the idea of being financially dependent on her to live away from home, or anyone for that matter. I know you hope and work for the best, but stuff can happen, for better or worse, so I'm hesitant about it. I feel like I'd rather have my own place, and she can live there with me. A good friend of mine seems to think this may be a trust issue.
Give me some advice to moving out, and moving out with the gf, I could use all the help I can get. Thanks.
- Dave