Originally Posted by j8ear
I answered your question with MY opinion. We disagree on what entitlements are. Thats cool with me.
As far as paying taxes it was a condition of MY naturalization.
I don't particulary disagree with the things you said about education, charity, welfare, etc...the end result is certainly ideal. I don't believe that makes it an entitlement.
Wow. I'm just going to bow out now.
This has been really quite fun...as usual.
I truly respect your opinion and thank you for being civil. I truly enjoy your posts.
As for your Naturalization, and having some idea of what you had to go through (not truly knowing because I didn't have to go through it), and knowing that one must truly show they want it to get it, deserves and has earned my respect for you.
It also tells me how valuable, what I have been able to have gotten and taken for granted, just because I was lucky where I was born.
Thank you for reminding me.