Yet I have a three-year-old laptop with a 15" 1600x1200 native LCD, and we still can't get anywhere near the same in a desktop version. Why is that? I won't buy any monitor that doesn't support at least 1600x1200, but the larger LCDs are too expensive to justify buying one to replace this Trinitron I got for $20.
Originally Posted by pattycakes
hmmm this has me thinking. if you know what monitor supports that resolution you could always try that driver witht he current monitor. I have a viewsonic crt and i just used a random driver for it
Thats not going to work with an LCD monitor. LCD monitors have discrete physical pixels and they can't display any more or less pixels in the same area. They can fake it by resizing the image, which usually looks like garbage. CRTs can display varying numbers of scanlines and pixels in each line.