i saw the speech that these quotes came from. my impression was that he was half-joking about the republicans never working. he had just said that election day should be a day when people are not busy with work, daycare, etc. and are able to vote.
(i could have sworn he said they've never done an "honest day's work" in their lives, which is a little different than what was posted. it suggests a life of entitlement rather than scheming.)
i don't mind his independent approach to things. he could tone it down a bit...then again very few of you would have heard about this speech if he had. he also mentioned a few *new* ideas (i was surprised) and said he didn't want to spend too much time talking about bush's/delay's problems. i guess the few times he drifted into "criticism," it was enough to make the newspaper. if you want to watch it, his part relatively short:
rtsp://video.c-span.org/15days/e0602...nhuffington.rm or
later john edwards came out. boooorrringg! i just don't see edwards/kerry/hillary beating mccain. i hear a lot about hillary going for it, but i don't hear that she's accomplished anything interesting lately. for some reason i find dean more interesting than most of the likely dem candidates. and mccain's another maverick of sorts...can't dislike the guy. if the republicans don't poop on him again, he will go far.