Originally Posted by Irishsean
I can't believe this thread! I am seriously dissapointed in the reception this guy who is asking for help has gotten. Some of the comments in here have been tongue in cheek, but damn some of them have been harsh. Ballplayer, don't take this as a representation of what we are and what we act like around here. We are a family and do try and help out each other.
As for the topic of this thread, yeah, get help. There are some things that can be taken care of with time, love, patience, and communication, but some things require professional help. Getting past the emotional trauma of a rape is one of the hardest parts, and a good counselor should be able to help with that. Most schools, employers, or even churches if you don't have an aversion to them will offer quality free counseling which could help her out in this situation. What she will need from you is what it sounds like your giving her, love and an attempt to understand and help. I hope this helps, and please let us know how you are doing. We do care about each other here.
here here on this
Well stated Irishsean
Let us know how everything is progressing Ballplayer . . .
to anyone who thinks Ballplayer is getting his GF help just for himself you're wrong and your not listening to the women in this thread ....
As i have noted IN THIS THREAD . . . i didn't have any orgasms and i really wanted to, i felt sad about it, but i didn't know where to start, i was really repressed, it took the encouragment from someone i loved and trusted, my then fiancee, to help me through it and now i have a happy, healthy sex life . . . i think Ballplayer is being that support for your girlfriend and i applaud him