Originally Posted by former newt
as an 18 year old male, how would i go about bringing up the subject of testing/sexual history/possible diseases with an 18 year old girl?
A better question to ask is how can you have a sexual relationship with this 18 year old woman without asking about her sexual history? You can go right ahead without asking and roll the dice on your health and well being but do you really want to? You biggest concern isn't really one of the big one's like HIV unless you are really playing in high risk waters but considering that there are many examples of STD's out there that people don't even know they are carrying...getting tested for the benefit of both your and your partner's health is an easy topic to bring up.
Simply tell her that you have a sensitive topic that you would like to discuss that involves your history. Tell her that you have been with other women (assuming you have) and that, while you are certain that there is nothing to worry about, you feel it would be good for her sake and for yours to have yourself tested just so that you can both be sure that there are no unknown problems. Then invite her to join you if she feels the same way. * thread jack -- and for crap's sake don't ask her for a "number of". That information is useless to you and only fuels that crazy insecurity about being better than all the rest. It's a non-zero number and that's all you need to know. /thread jack end
If she reacts poorly or doesn't want to get tested then you should have more questions about this potential partner. At the age of 18 there are a lot more fish in the sea so to speak. Why risk the rest of your adult life with this one?