Robaggio, that one time you ran into the street & your parents spanked you, you could have been killed before your parents had the chance to show you it was dangerous.
We don't show kids pictures of streets & guns & lighters & spank them & say 'bad' to reinforce this thought, because there should be no punishment where there is no bad behavior. and besides, they may associate the spanking with pictures in general.
But if a toddler is brought up to obey Mom & Dad, then a warning could be verbalized as the child goes to touch something forbidden. (Toddler legs are fast & parents might not be in reach) Then everyone could be saved from a terrible incident.
This doesn't need to be done with physical punishments, parents soon learn what will reinforce good bahavior from a child, be it deprevation of a privlidge or a favored toy, time out, etc. No two children are alike and no two children respond to a punishment the same way.
And of course, raeanna 74 has an important point here...
I think think this is the crucial point here. We really need to balance any criticism or correction with praise and reward. Even if it's just a reward of our pleasure and smile. Tell your child that you appreciate their good behavior. It's hard to remember this part of teaching our children the right way to behave. How will they know the right way if they aren't told they are doing right sometimes. No one likes constant criticism. Everyone enjoys being praised. It's normal for someone to want to behave in a positive way in order to recieve a positive response. We don't have to be a buddy in order to do this.
A well loved child is the greatest gift a parent can offer the world.
I am not bound to please thee with my answers.
William Shakespeare