Originally Posted by shadowmaster
, I've not talked to her yet, but i've never talked to a girl about something like this before, so I just don't wnat to offend her.........how can I approach her about it without offending her in some way?
**Slams head into monitor**
Ok - there's only one way I can say this...
If you are mature enough to be having sex, you are mature enough to have the discussion "Have you ever been tested...." Let's go get tested together....."
It's your health and her heath, you are not accusing her of anything, if she gets offended... well then she shouldn't be having sex because she's not being very mature about her sexual health.
If the results aren't an all clear -- well then you have to decide what you want to do.. and only you can make that decision... there are people on this board who have perfectly happy relationships with a partner who is infected... It's a big deal to some, it's not to others - that choice is yours.
Get tested -- it's better to know than not know